Why Cloud Computing is Important and How Cloud Computing Helps Business?

Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing

77% of companies have at least one application or part of their business computing infrastructure in the cloud, as mentioned by Forbes. Importantly, cloud computing is not a 360º solution to a company’s IT needs. But it certainly offers several advantages that have the greatest strength in collaboration.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing companies allow program information to be stored on servers. This works as an App that users can access through the Internet. Instead of installing and accessing it locally, they do so through an external server available 24/7.

The Importance of Cloud Computing

Why is Cloud Computing Important for Your Business

The sky is the limit for cloud computing, which looks like it’s going to change the entire computing industry. In the last decade, this groundbreaking idea has hit unprecedented heights. Governments and private sector organizations identify this as the leading technology that is changing the game.

Beyond its Technical Definition, Cloud Computing has Many Benefits:

  • By maximizing the efficiency of shared resources, consistency and economies of scale are achieved, as is the power grid, for example.
  • Cloud computing companies assemble products that indeed offer faster work.
  • It gives them immediate access to all the information from wherever they are.
  • It serves as a storage alternative.
  • Another associated advantage of cloud software is its low cost.
  • In addition to this, the most notable is the little need to invest in infrastructure and traditionally expensive licenses.

If the cloud computing trend sounds a bit complex, you are not alone. Many companies that opt for these services end up with several complex multi-cloud services that become unmanageable.

These are complex systems with complex failures, which are in urgent need of systematization. The solution is to hire a professional cloud consulting company like AppStudio.

AppStudio & Cloud Consulting Services

AppStudio ensures that you are ready to meet the needs of your business while positioning yourself to prosper in the future. Our cloud-based consulting helps you gain insight and serve your business goals. We will transform your cloud infrastructure while improving your bottom line. No matter if your company is looking to migrate to a cloud platform or try new software. Our certified cloud team can help speed up your deployment journey. AppStudio is among the best cloud computing companies in Canada.

Cloud Software Models That Exist in The Market within this type of services for companies there are different classifications:

  •  Software as a Service, SaaS: In it, companies subscribe to an application that they access through the Internet.
  • Platform as a Service, PaaS: With them, a company can create its custom applications so that all companies can use them.
  • Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS: It is mainly aimed at organizations and large companies. Its offer includes services such as servers, networks, operating systems, & storage.

Advantages of Cloud Computing for Businesses

The promise of cloud computing is tantalizing. Forget about managing servers and data centers and dealing with the delicate and costly problems of technical support. It sounds easy and inexpensive and is the most popular of today’s technology trends. The most important advantages that cloud software can bring to the management of your business are these:

1. No Need to Install or Maintain your Server.

You no longer need to maintain your server or install the software on each of your computers. This avoids a high outlay on infrastructure and maintenance (server, computers, operating systems, antivirus, backup systems, etc.).

With the software in the cloud, you just have to sign up for the service and start working, the process is done quickly and with less cost since all the software is in one place and managed by specialist technicians from the supplier company.

2. You pay for what you use.

It is one of the main advantages of using cloud computing. If you have a small company, you will need a few users, etc. With this type of software, you can contract a basic plan for X money per month.

So, each month you know exactly what your business infrastructure will cost you if you have it in the cloud.

If the needs of your company grow over time, you simply hire more users or resources on the server. In a staggered way, without having to make large investments in new computers, servers, etc.

3. High Performance of the Server & the Program

Cloud servers are very powerful computers, usually oversized for the workload they run. So all programs and processes run at a higher speed than normal office equipment.

Besides, these computers are constantly maintained and supervised by specialist technicians. There will never be problems with viruses, updates, incompatible programs, wrong configurations, etc.

4. Greater Security

Cloud servers guarantee high availability 365daysx24h. All infrastructure, communications, and data are redundant (duplicated in real-time) which guarantees that there will never be a loss of data. The facilities where these servers are housed are advanced data centers with high levels of physical and logical security for data custody. There is also constant monitoring 24 hours a day by specialized personnel and constant backup copies of all the data stored in their systems.

Your company data will be much more secure hosted on a cloud server than on your office server.

5. Certifications

Cloud service providers offer SSL certificates for encrypted and secure access. They have different quality certifications, such as:

  • ISO 27001 in Information Security
  • UNE-EN ISO 9001 in Quality Management
  • Or the European RGPD regulation.

Hosting the management data of your company on a server with all these characteristics is something that provides a plus of security and seriousness for your clients. Because it guarantees that all the confidential information that they entrust to you, will be 100% safe in your computer infrastructure.

6. Access to your data from Anywhere

One of the most obvious advantages of the cloud management system is the possibility of accessing your data from any geographical point and any device. Whether you are in the office or on the subway, with a PC, a laptop or a tablet. You will always have all the information you need available, you just need an Internet connection.

7.  Automatic & Secure Updates

It is no longer necessary to spend time updating applications, you should not buy and download the latest version, patches or updates. With the cloud software these updates are completely transparent and without any intervention by the company.

Updates or version changes are continuous, this greatly reduces the learning curve from one version to another. Since the improvements are small and continuous so the user does not find many small things that have suddenly changed, as happens when we jump from one version to another.

8. Less Energy Consumption & Respect for The Environment

The cloud service allows small and medium-sized companies to be in the same conditions as large ones, promoting a fairer and more equal market in access to technology.

Using cloud systems reduces a company’s carbon footprint. Saving resources in the purchase of computer components and recycling the old ones has a higher cost. As if that were not enough, virtualization can reduce energy consumption by more than 60%. In short, your bills will be lower.

9.  Improve Collaborative Work

Collaborative work with your colleagues or employees can be more productive than it is now. Since you can access all the information in a faster way, simplifying and speeding up communication between employees.

Indeed cloud computing or software in the cloud has extensive advantages. It is not only important for your business management but also improves productivity.

Start your Project Now

With Cloud Computing, you can surely achieve your new goals. However, it is also very important to hire a consulting agency that has the expertise and proper knowledge of the cloud.  AppStudio is in this business for many years now and is among the renowned cloud computing companies in Canada. We are working for some popular brands and startups. With us, you will be certain that your investments are secure. Contact us now!


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