Mitigate The Pandemic By Using These COVID-19 Apps in Canada

Covid-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 Apps Canada

The novel coronavirus pandemic has created an imbalance in all activities worldwide, and Canada is no exception. Although we have already invented vaccines, the virus is mutating. And it’s too early to say whether it will become more infectious and lethal or gradually lose its strength. Nevertheless, taking action to prevent its spread is the only option that we have. Thanks to a wide range of mobile applications designed to ease our lives during these testing times, we can do our bit to prevent COVID-19 from spreading and keep ourselves safe.

Government and private agencies are investing in mobile healthcare apps to keep people alert. Their efforts have not gone in vain because there’s a long list of useful mobile apps helping people in various ways during the pandemic.

The COVID-19 apps are a godsend to Canadians. They can now get information regarding virus outbreaks and access medical services instantly, thus enhancing health conditions. 

These mobile apps have a built-in tracker that alerts people by providing the exact location of Coronavirus outbreaks and lays down periodical statistics with live data. With this, users can get all the information and suggestions to protect themselves right at their fingertips. 

The Top COVID-19 Apps in Canada

Here’s a list of the six popular mobile apps in Canada that come in handy during the pandemic. You’ll get to know how these apps are alerting people and making things easier for them. 

COVID Alert App

The COVID Alert is a powerful mobile application developed by the Government of Canada. This mobile app has features that alert the citizens from possible health hazards and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

How It Works:

  • This mobile app uses the Bluetooth functionality of your device and nearby devices to exchange random codes.
  • Users, who have tested positive, need a one-time key to notify other users of the app about their health condition.  
  • People who have tested COVID-19 positive need to enter the one-time key to inform several other users about their health status.
  • Users of COVID Alert app, get notified if they get in contact with a COVID positive person. Also, it alerts the users if they come in close proximity to a person who has been in touch with a COVID positive person in the past 14 days. 
  • Users need to keep their background updates and notifications activated and check them daily.

Note: With COVID Alert, your privacy is protected since it doesn’t track your location via GPS.


The ABTraceTogether app is a powerful mobile application that helps people stay safe by alerting them if they are exposed to a COVID-19 infected person who is using this app on their mobile phone device.  

How It Works:

  • This app keeps an encrypted record of other users who have been in touch with you. The app uses the user’s mobile phone device’s Bluetooth to work.
  • If the users face any symptoms after being in touch with an infected person, AHS (Alberta Health Services) amasses information from the ABTraceTogether mobile app and communicates with them on their registered mobile number. 
  • If a user tests positive, this contact tracer app will inform people at risk, advise them to isolate and assist them in their recovery.

ArriveCAN App

ArriveCAN falls under the list of the most effective mobile apps projected by the Govt. of Canada. It is a travel restriction app where travellers flying to Canada or crossing the border need to fill a travel health declaration form. 

How It Works:

  • Incoming passengers need to fill a Canada travel health form by opening the ArriveCAN app. They can complete it following the guidelines in simple and quick steps.
  • Once the declaration form for Canada is submitted, the passenger will receive a receipt through an email or the app itself.
  • The receipt should be displayed to the officer-in-charge of the border services upon arrival in Canada. 
  • Passengers need to log into the app and validate that they’ve reached a Government-issued place or hotel where they need to complete the obligatory quarantine period.
  • Passengers can also carry out several self-assessment tests via this mobile app throughout their quarantine period. This will let them know if they are experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms.
  • Using the ArriveCAN app is a must for passengers traveling to and from Canada. Passengers coming to Canada can get exemption from the mandatory quarantine if they upload their proof of vaccination on the app. 
ArriveCAN Apps - Covid Travel Apps
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WSPS mobile app is developed in association with the Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. It helps to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 within the area of their work or office premises. In addition, associate degree workers are informed and alerted if they are connected with a co-worker who has been tested positive for COVID-19. WSPS app is certain to a selected organization, and solely licensed users will have access. This healthcare application development project is an excellent example of an app that ensures the safety of employees and workers who step out of their homes during the pandemic to work. 

An App to Prevent Covid at WorkPlace

How It Works:

  • WSPS uses the Bluetooth functionality of a user’s mobile device. A user just needs to give permission to access the location.
  • Through it, the app measures employee interactions. 
  • It notifies the employees with contextual and pertinent information, allowing them to survey the total movement of other employees across a corporate campus, as well as the record of where infected people have been. 
WSPS Covid App

BC COVID-19 Support App

The Government of British Columbia and the Ministry of Health worked in collaboration to create the BC COVID-19 Support app.  It helps provide users with credible and personalized information regarding COVID-19.

What It Does:

  • It monitors users’ COVID-related symptoms regularly and also provides them to conduct self-assessment tests.
  • It presents the daily regional cases, recoveries, and deaths due to COVID-19.
  • Users can learn more about the spread of the disease throughout the region with epidemiological curves, the impact of the latest variants, and heat maps. With this app, Canadians can keep themselves alert every time.
BC COVID Support App
BC COVID-19 Support App


CANImmunize is a useful iOS and Android mobile app that helps maintain digital immunization records for Canadians. Users can store their vaccination records and get alerts to get vaccination on time. 

How It Works:

  • It provides an all-inclusive solution for government, employers and Canadian citizens.
  • It schedules appointments and monitors childhood, adult and travel vaccinations in real-time. 
  • Provide information about vaccination and COVID-related symptoms from trusted resources.
  • Keeping the users up-to-date with vaccination schedules in their respective provinces.
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Winding Up

The social and economic influence generated by extensive isolation is severe. Canadians with low incomes cannot confine themselves within their home, and assistance for quarantined individuals require resources. Thus, the development of COVID-19 mobile apps has certainly eased people’s lives to a considerable level.

These mobile apps for pandemic management can help the citizens of Canada with authentic and timely information in monitoring, detecting, and diminishing the pandemic, keeping them alert with strict measures and recommendations related to COVID-19.

AppStudio, a reputable mobile app development company with the experience of developing hundreds of healthcare apps that help combat the spread of deadly diseases and enable interaction between patients and healthcare providers. If you want to build a similar app, get in touch with our healthcare app development team.


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